Saturday, March 28, 2009


We've had some preliminary discussions about our (mostly,my) usually filthy mouths and how to deal with them uponst the arrival of our little bringer of joy. This article on Babble shed a little bit of insight into how to deal with it.

I'm really on the fence about this one. I have made some effort to reduce the aggregate amount of curse words that fly out of my mouth, but the fact is, I LOVE swearing. PHOOEY! and RATS! can really only bring so much satisfaction, and they're pretty bland in comparison to the refreshing minty flavor that comes with broad and flowery use of the usual suspects.

Between us and our associates, I reckon our little pipsqueak will hear her fair share of bad words from birth onward, maybe the "these words are only ok at home" strategy will be the way to go?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Entering the Home Stretch

We've turned the corner on the beginning of the third trimester, and if the early signs are any indication it's going to be a little rough. If someone has any big ideas for heartburn other than eating Tums like candy, we'd love to hear 'em!

On an unrelated note, a trip to Collinwood took us to Shoparooni and they have some really cool hand-made onesie/legwarmer sets amongst all of their other cool wares. Check them out!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Keeping Busy

From Dave and Janine:

Not exactly edgy (Dave's words) but this is still something pretty useful

Things To Do In Cleveland

Thanks guys!