Thursday, February 5, 2009

No Gnus is Good Gnus

Sometimes there's just not much to write about. On a positive note, we had another ultrasound yesterday and little grrl is doing just fine. By that I mean she is big and healthy and making her mother increasingly uncomfortable. Our doctor gave us some encouraging news about the results of our 3D ultrasound, so that's good too.

20 weeks. We're halfway there. Holy crap!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Isn't it amazing to see the baby move and kick while in the belly. I only had two ultrasounds, one being when Gus was 8 weeks (very uneventful), and the other one at 18 weeks to determine gender. But I remember being in awe of how much the baby was moving and how little movements I was able to feel. Cool.

    Speaking of being uncomfortable, it gets worse, much worse. I think the crap hit the fan 1/2 way through month 8.
